The Revised Sixth Corporate Plan takes cognizance of the achievements and lessons learnt from the predecessor plan -CP5- and completed initiatives of the current plan up to June 2023. CP6 seeks to address obligations arising from the national, regional and international development agenda and guidelines that venture into revenue mobilization. The compulsion to review CP6 after the first year of implementation emerged from the Government’s desire to align the planning period/ cycles of all MDAs with the FYDPIII (2021/22 - 2025/26) planning period. TRA revised its Sixth Corporate Plan (CP6) to bring onboard the Government directive that every Government Agency revise its Corporate Plan to adhere to National development goals.
On the other hand, to accommodate the new departments and units as a result of TRA restructuring its Organization structure. This Revised Plan is built on astutely crafted four strategic themes around the Balanced Scorecard pillars namely; Operational Excellence, Taxpayers’ Engagement, Automation and Innovation which form the TRA’s business model. The themes form the pillars over which the organization leans in its endeavour towards the attainment of the vision to become “A Trusted Revenue Administration for Socio-Economic Development”. Our mission during the plan period is: “We Make It Easy to Pay Tax and Enhance Compliance for Sustainable Development”. The Plan outlines the institution’s strategic priorities for the next five (5) years whereby the themes are reinforced with eight (8) clearly defined strategic objectives which are:
To Enhance Revenue Collection;
To Increase Voluntary Tax Compliance;
To Improve Operational Efficiency;
To Create a Strong Positive Image and Perception;
To Build Taxpayers’ Confidence and Satisfaction;
To Automate and Integrate Processes;
To Improve the Quality of Data and
To Strengthen Institutional Capacity
The strategic objectives are supported by 18 strategic initiatives which will drive the authority into motion towards achievements of the former. The tax revenue projections for Tanzania Mainland are set to increase from TZS TZS 22,610.2 billion in 2022/23 to TZS 32,310.9 billion in 2025/26, representing a compounded annual growth rate of about 12.6 percent during the period of the plan. On the other hand, tax revenue yield is expected to increase from 12.3 percent in 2022/23 to 13.2 percent in 2025/26. The Revised CP6 will be measured through a Monitoring Plan having Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which have been presented in a logical framework manner and will be reported through annual implementation reports. The KPIs have been developed to measure the outcomes that are expected to be achieved from the objectives. Moreover, the performance of project implementation is to be monitored and evaluated under the guidance of the TRA’s Project Management Manual.
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